By the time you're reading this, I hope to be sitting at the end of a dock in Connecticut with a fishing pole in my hands. More likely, I'll be at Bed, Bath & Beyond buying a new beard trimmer. In any case, here are some of the final numbers from the hugely-successful 2010 tour:
# of days: 30
# of miles: 7,964
# of workshops: 13
# of states: 24
# of pictures: 1300+
# of push ups: 1500 (50 per day)
# of pee breaks: incalcuable
# of times through Mumford & Sons CD: incalcuable
# of parking/speeding tickets: 0
# of times ordered out of car by border patrol: 1
# of times sleeping in car: 0
# of pounds gained/lost: -2
On top of all this, views for the website are up over 8,000 percent!!!! Getting the word out? Mission accomplished.
What's next? Well, I have a lot of writing to do.
That's the view from my writing desk in my new apartment. I'll probably still be sitting there long after those leaves have dropped.
To see pictures from the 2010 Tour, click here.
Some favorite videos:
-Live at the news desk in Kansas City
-Over the Rainbow in Albuquerque
-Dropping in on Oprah
-Postcard Portrait of Bruce from Ohio (more of these portraits to come, hopefully)
I'd like to thank everyone who opened their hearts and homes to us, especially Mel and Adam in Ohio, Catlin in Cincy, Joey and Lacy in Kansas City, Sueanne and Suzy in Colorado, Sang and Hien in San Diego, Nichole Smith in L.A., Suzette in Arizona, the Stein Family in Atlanta, and Beth S. in Virginia. Thanks also to all the program directors & chapters of the Alzheimer's Association who hosted us, to Drew for riding along and helping w/ the workshops, to all the participants who shared their stories, and to all the kind strangers we met and chatted with along the way.
Who knows how long this story will be in the end, or what's the come, but I feel like we're only in the first or second chapter.
More to come!
This project takes my breath away. Honestly, in its scope and its creativity...we're going to be sitting around someday soon bragging that we knew about it first.