Friday, August 3, 2012

Day 4: NYC

Summary: Woke up in Hoboken, drove into Manhattan, subway to Brooklyn, subway back to Manhattan, slept 2.5 hours north in Farmington, CT.

Memorable Moment(s):
-Driving in New York City is always a terrible idea; it’s like standing behind a donkey with a feather, tickling its backside, just waiting for the swift and devastating kick to the junk.  BUT…driving anywhere in this car is a pretty fun experience.  It’s like wearing a funny hat but forgetting that you’re wearing it.  I keep wondering “why are they staring at us?” and “why are those people taking our picture?” and then I remember the stickers. 

As we drove by the guy on the left yelled: “Yo, look at this s***!  Yo, put me on the car!  Put me on the car!” 

-Spent about 4 hours wandering all over Central Park.

Forgettable Moments:
Nothing really horrible happened yesterday, thankfully. 

Sense Memories:
Smell: Hot rotten apples (left inside car); thick hot earthy subway stank
Touch: The sweatiness of people’s hands that I was shaking
Sound: Cars honking; ambulances wailing; squeal of subway brakes; off-key music in Brooklyn practice space
Taste: God, a cold glass of water tastes so good after 8 hours of walking in the sun!
Sight: Industrial landscape of north Brooklyn

One thing that I learned: There are some really amazing “co-working” spaces in New York (like Third Ward in Brooklyn), and apparently hidden all over America.  This is where creative people can get together and make things; where the local residents can take classes like painting and metal working.     

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